Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hunting Act 2004

I would scrap it: it doesn't work.


Mike Hobday said...

Ask the five people who were convicted for illegal hunting whether it works.

James E said...

Five prosecutions in the two years since the law came into force? That is very very very low considering the number of people who hunt and the passion they have for continuing. If the law was taken seriously I would expect many more people convicted. I do not expect the five convitions to change anything: with the low priority the police give to hunting, the law is unenforcable. Whatever your views, there are too many loopholes and exemptions - it must be scrapped.

James E said...

Maybe ask the rest of the hunting community whether the five convictions will make them change their mind?

bgprior said...

It's illiberal and should go. But it should be a long way down the pecking order behind more important reform.